Friday, December 16, 2011

Toccara's Fabulous Workout

I know that I'm ridiculously late but I had absolutely no clue that Plus Model Toccara Jones had a work out video. According to her video teaser it's a work out for "real size women", the video is only $19.99 and it looks pretty fun. However, I highly doubt that the workout that I saw in the teaser sculpted her body the way that it is now.

If you're looking to get a little more active mixed with some fun this seems pretty cool.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know Toccara had a workout video either! Where have I been? I might be on the look out for it, though like you, I doubt this workout helped her get this bod. Like I doubt Buffie the Body's workout helped her get that booty -_-


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